The BogeyLady - Creature concept art with sketchbook

"From ghoulies and ghosties
And long-leggedy beasties
And things that go bump in the night,
Good Lord, deliver us!"
- Traditional Scottish prayer

I give you The Bogeylady. This is one of a larger series of concepts which I have included here, sketches, anatomy studies, etc and she is still in progress as I want to complete a full body painting of her and sculpt.
The idea behind the Bogeylady's unusual limbs is that childhood fears can be somewhat nonsensical and comedic and yet, this contradistinction between the irrational and the horrible is particularly evocative. Imagine a long leggededy lady in a ragged floral print dress who lives in your closet... she has two elbows and two knees and goes knuckling and knocking about the room after midnight. Personally, I think she is lovely and just wants hugs.

The sculpting process was (mostly) captured live in a webinar for Cave Academy. Click the link below to watch it for free... realtime with narration.

I recorded the sculpting process (in part) live for a webinar. View the time-lapse here and the full video in the description.